New Patent Offers Efficient Data Centre Solution with Mobile Heat Exchangers Positioned Close to Servers

2023-05-06 05:17:09 By : admin
As technology advances, the amount of data that is being generated is increasing at an unprecedented rate. This has led to a significant increase in the number of data centres around the world, and these data centres consume vast amounts of power mainly to keep their servers cool. In a bid to find a more efficient way of cooling these data centres, Google recently patented a new technology that promises to increase energy efficiency by positioning heat exchangers right behind the servers.

This new technology, dubbed mobile heat exchangers, is designed to improve the efficiency of data centres by capturing the waste heat produced by the servers and using it to cool the working environment. Since heat exchangers can be highly effective at thermal management, this new technology could potentially save a significant amount of money on cooling costs and reduce the carbon footprint of data centres.
Google Patents Mobile Heat Exchangers For Data Centres

Heat exchangers have long been an essential part of any factory or industrial process that generates heat, and their application is increasingly relevant in data centres. They work by transferring heat from one fluid to another, typically from a hot fluid to a cool fluid. The cool fluid is supplied by a fan that blows air or water past the fins of the heat exchanger to carry away the heat that has been transferred from the hot fluid. This technology has traditionally been positioned at a distance from the servers, which limits its effectiveness.

By positioning heat exchangers in close proximity to the servers, Google's mobile heat exchangers can capture the heat that is generated by the servers and then use it to heat other parts of the factory or data centre. This means that they can potentially reduce the overall energy consumption of a data centre and, in turn, lower operating costs and reduce carbon emissions.

The mobile heat exchanger is an innovative solution that has been designed to cater to the growing demand for more energy-efficient data centres. It is also part of Google's broader efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and improve the sustainability of its operations. As the company's data centre infrastructure continues to grow, the need for more efficient cooling systems becomes more pressing.

One of the benefits of Google's mobile heat exchangers is the ability to retrofit them into existing data centre infrastructures without the need for significant investment in upgrades. The mobile heat exchanger can simply be installed behind the servers, and the cool fluid can be recirculated through the system. This makes it an affordable solution for data centre operators looking to reduce their energy consumption and lower their carbon footprint.

In conclusion, Google's patent for the mobile heat exchanger is a promising development for the data centre industry. By positioning heat exchangers right behind the servers, this technology promises to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions without requiring significant upgrades to existing infrastructure. As more companies seek to improve the sustainability of their operations, it is expected that this technology will become increasingly popular in factories, industrial processes, and data centres across the world.
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